

时间:2018-11-14 15:21:25来源: 作者: 点击:




  关键词:身心障碍者  认知模式  听障者  语言与认知

  A Slow Boat to the Bay of Persons with Disabilities

  —  From A Self-centered Perspective to the Care of Others

  Chang Rongxing

  Abstract:Prejudice and misunderstanding against persons with disabilities are permeate in society till today and most of us are not even aware of it. One reason for this lies in the difference between persons with disabilities and those who are not, embodied in their appearances as well as functions of body organs. This difference renders that people look at persons with disabilities from a self-centered perspective. With a different approach, we could discolor our lens towards persons the difference and persons with disabilities can thus establish better self identification. This article suggests that the difference between persons with disabilities and those are not is only limited to body function and does not concern an individual’s merits or their social classes, by comparing and illustrating three elements in cognition structure i.e. format, constitutive and telic. If we could look at this issue from the standing of persons with disabilities, we could understand what equality really means. Given the various types of disability, this article focuses on persons with hearing impairments and emphasizes the cognitive value of “language”.

  Keywordspersons with disabilities; mode of cognition; persons with hearing impairments; language and cognition




  高宇翔 刘晗煦


  关键词:听力障碍  《人民日报》  内容分析

  A Content Analysis of People's Daily Coverage on People with Hearing Disabilities

  Gao Yuxiang  Liu Hanxu

  Abstract: Through a content analysis of the People’s Daily, this study analyzes the contents of 281 news stories and articles covering people with hearing disabilities from 1948 to 2015. It reveals that the number of articles and pictures covering people with hearing disabilities has increased steadily during the past 68 years. However, there are variations among the articles in terms of time, location coverage, content length and page distribution. Further analysis also points out that persons with hearing disabilities and their educational institutions constitute a rather small portion of coverage, and the newspaper fails to pay attention to some personal attributes (including sex and age) in their reports. Therefore, it is important to propose further discussion on media coverage in order to build authentic, positive image of persons with hearing disabilities in accordance with the Deaf culture.

  Keywords: Hearing Disabilities; People’s Daily; Attitude; Content Analysis



  庞 文


  关键词:《残疾人权利公约》  残障者教育  教育公平  融合教育

  Education for Persons with Disabilities

  in China under CRPD

  Pang Wen

  Abstract:“Persons with disabilities” are positive and active subjects of rights under CRPD, and what is most important for development of persons with disabilities is to elimination social discrimination and barriers. These ideas equally apply to education for persons with disabilities. Fairness should be considered as the core concept and goal for disability education, including guaranteeing equal education opportunity especially at non-compulsory education stage, and promoting equity in allocating education resources between urban and rural areas, among different regions and schools. For this purpose, we should reflect on and adjust current special education and “learning in regular classes” policies, and establish a real system of inclusive education. In order to realize equal education rights for persons with disabilities, we should pay fair attention to the provision of accessible environment and reasonable accommodations.

  KeywordsCRPD; education for persons with disabilities; education fairness; inclusive education





  关键词:云南少数民族  参展儿童  受教育权  特殊教育

  Empirical Research on Rights to Education of Children with Disabilities in Minority Regions of Yunnan Province

  Zhe Rongna

  Abstract:The empirical research shows that in the ethnic minority regions of Yunnan Province are poverty-stricken areas, where the schooling rate for children with disabilities is low, school conditions are not well provided, there are not enough special education teachers and rehabilitation professionals. In addition, the local regulations are not adequate. The research suggests that to cope with this problem, awareness of the right to education of children with disabilities should be raised, and special education policies in minority regions should be effectively implemented. In addition, the government should invest more in education in these areas and support teacher training, and attract more social resources.

  Keywords: ethnic minority groups; children with disabilities; right to education; poverty; special education




  李学会 吴   玲


  关键词:残障社会工作  生态系统理论  融合教育  社会排斥

  The Social Work Intervention in Cases of Social Exclusion against Special Students:

  An Improved Scheme from the Perspective of Ecological System Theory

  Li Xuehui  Wu Ling

  Abstract:It is common that special students experience social exclusion while there lacks effective measures of intervention and prevention. This paper summarizes and evaluates current intervention process based on selected cases from Shanghai Hongkou District Special Education Center, from the perspective of ecological system theory used in social work. It tries to clarify current intervention mode and propose an improved scheme to cope with social exclusion against special students in the area. It suggests that the social model of disability emphasizes the importance of prevention and creating an inclusive environment, which is also in accordance with the goal of social work to realize “adaptive balance” between humans and the environment. Lastly, the paper discusses the localization of social work methodology and standardization of disability social work.

  Keywords: Disability Social Work; Ecological System Theory; Inclusive Education; Social Exclusion



  张倩昕 蔡 聪


  关键词:视障者  随班就读  融合教育  生态系统理论

  Equal Right to Education of Students with Visual Impairments under the Ecological System Theory

  Zhang Qianxin   Cai Cong

  Abstract:Using the ecological system theory and article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as a framework, this paper analyzes the support provided to students with visual impairments at different levels in the ecological system and how to realize equal right to education for them, based on interviews with 10 persons with visual impairments who experienced “learning in regular classes” in different times. It suggests that the micro-system can provide students with necessary platform support to develop students’ potentials, the mezzo-system can mobilize joint support from families, schools and society, while the macro-system can provide policy and cultural support. All these are important for students with visual impairments’ access to systematic, comprehensive educational support in an inclusive environment, promote individual development and realize real inclusive education.

  Keywords: Persons with Visual Impairments; Learning in Regular Classes; Inclusive Education; Ecological System Theory



  许家成 周海滨


  关键词:智力和发展性障碍  支持性就业  庇护性就业  个别化转衔计划  个别化支持计划

  Research on the Development of Supported Employment for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in China

  Xu Jiacheng  Zhou Haibin

  Abstract: After the CRPD came into force, the right to employment for persons with disabilities goes under the light of attentions. The aim of this research is to explore feasible models of supported employment (SE) for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in China, and provide evidence-based suggestions on future policies. It is an experimental action research. This research focuses on SE cases in one year’s time. It firstly chose and trains twelve job coaches from seven vocational service providers. Then it follows with stops of SE, including job development, assessing the persons with intellectual disabilities, on the job training and so on.

  Keywords intellectual and developmental disabilities; supported employment; Job coach; sheltered employment; evidence-based practice; individualized translation Plan; individualized supported plan



  王  丽


  关键词:智力障碍  电影传播  传播角色  残章权利

  Roles of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Movie Communication

  Wang Li

  Abstract:This article examines the different roles of persons with intellectual disabilities at different stages of movie communication from the perspective of a movie maker and an organizer for film watching activities, analyzes the images of persons with intellectual disabilities presented in movies and their actual needs, explores how to deliver messages in regard to persons with intellectual disabilities through movies and contribute to social inclusion and equal enjoyment of rights for them through effective media communication.

  Keywords:intellectual disabilities; movie communication; roles in communication; disability rights



  陈  博译


  关键词:残障的人权模式  残障的社会模式  《残疾人权利公约》

  A Human Rights Model of Disability

  Theresia Degener

  Translated by Chen Bo

  Abstract: This article argues that the human rights model is an improvement of the social model of disability and that it is a tool to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It argues that the human rights model of disability: emphaises that impairments do not hinder human rights capacity, includes first and second generation of human rights, values impairments as part of human diversity, acknowledges identity issues, allows for assessment of prevention policy and strives for social justice.

  Keywords: human rights model of disability; social model of disability; Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
